
Voice | Lilburn

Dr. David Walters is an Atlanta-based, international award-winning composer, conductor, and educator. In 2023, he completed his DMA in choral conducting and composition at Louisiana State University during which he served as a Graduate Assistant, Instructor of Choral Conducting, and as Chancel Choir Director at University Presbyterian Church. He is a former member of the Portland State Chamber Choir and holds an MM in Choral Conducting and a BM in Music Composition from Portland State University. Prior to his LSU graduate studies, David held music directorships at Presbyterian and Methodist churches, and served both as Assistant Conductor with the ISing Community Choir and as a member of its Board of Directors. In 2019, David’s A Voice is Heard in Ramah won 3rd place with the International Federation for Choral Music and recently received its world premiere by Ethan Sperry and the Portland State Chamber Choir. In 2022, Choral Arts Initiative premiered Paradise as part of his selection as a composition fellow for the PREMIERE|Project. The Dreams of The Dreamer won 1st place with the 8th Japan International Choral Composition Competition and When I Rise Up was National Finalist for the 2022 American Prize. In 2023, David was named the first ever Fellow for the LSU Center for Collaborative Knowledge and a Composition Fellow with the N.E.O. Voice Festival. David's music is available from DWaltersMusic.com, MusicSpoke, and Edition ICOT.

“Music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.”
- Billy Joel
©Gwinnett Music 2023

Gwinnett Music